FAQ - Flashiibo Fob & Recharge

Flashiibo Fob & Recharge

Flashiibo Fob & Recharge

How do I use Flashiibo?

Please follow the user manual. If the following FAQs are not able to address your problems, we highly recommend reaching out to the community on Discord for help.

Where to find the encryption keys and bin files?

The easiest way to get your hands on them is to search for NFCSPOOFER on Twitter.

What apps are recommended to write amiibo data into Flashiibo?

On Android, we have an official app named Flashiibo Companion available in the Play Store.

On iOS, we recommend an app named Tagmiibo.

Can I use apps other than the recommended ones?

Yes. The Flashiibo is mostly NFC 215, so it is possible that some other apps capable of writing amiibos to NFC 215 tags will work too.

Why doesn't my Flashiibo beep when I press the button?

The most likely reason is that it's out of battery. Even though we tested every device before shipping, the battery could go out during shipping or not long after delivery. 

Can I scan more than once per day in Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild?

Yes. Every time you press the Flashiibo button, it generates a new serial number. That means it behaves like a complete new blank NFC 215 tag. You can write amiibo data to it again and the games will treat it as an amiibo it has never seen before.

What should I do if writing to Flashiibo fails?

Check the following

If the issue remains after trying the above steps, please send us an email at support@flashiibo.com, or reach out to the community on Discord for help. 

What should I do if my Switch fails to recognize Flashiibo?

Check the following

If the issue remains after trying the above steps, please send us an email at support@flashiibo.com, or reach out to the community on Discord for help. 

What should I do to make my Flashiibo work in Splatoon or Super Smash Bros?

By default Flashiibo is set to automatic mode, which means it will generate a new serial number every scan. However, Splatoon and SSB require scanning the same identical amiibo multiple times, or else it will show an error like "this is not the amiibo you scanned before". You need to put Flashiibo in manual mode in such cases. To switch Flashiibo to manual mode, follow the instructions in the manual. After switching to manual mode, make sure you keep the device connected over Bluetooth so it doesn't lose the data when it shuts down itself.

What should I do if I see an error like "This is not the amiibo you scanned before"?

The game you are playing requires the same identical amiibo to be scanned more than once. Please check the question right above this one for a solution. After switching to manual mode, make sure you keep the device connected over Bluetooth so it doesn't lose the data when it shuts down itself.

What should I do if I see "This amiibo can't be used again today" in Tears of the Kingdom or Breath of the Wild?

When that happens, try the following things in order.

If none of that works, you can send us an email at support@flashiibo.com, or reach out to the community on Discord for help.